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For Developers‎ > ‎How-Tos‎ > ‎

Get the Code: Checkout, Build, & Run Chromium

If you work at Google, you probably want to read the Google-specific instructions instead, which are basically the same except for some details relating to the Google corporate computer images.

Chromium supports building on Windows, Mac and Linux host systems. Linux is required for building Android, and a Mac is required for building iOS.

Click on one of these links depending on what you want to build.
  • Chrome OS
    • linux-chromeos (runs the Chrome OS version of Chrome on Linux)
    • cros-vm (runs in a Chrome OS virtual machine)
    • 'simplechrome' (runs on Chromebook hardware)
  • Cast (these instructions are still old)

The Chromium documentation is gradually moving into the source repository. The links above will take you there.

If you need help, try the chromium-dev Google Group, or the #chromium IRC channel on (see the IRC page for more on how Chromium uses IRC).These are not support channels for Chrome itself but forums for developers.

You can also, for a limited time, read the old instructions for getting the code.
Subpages (6):Committing and reverting changes manuallyGclient Managed ModeManaging Multiple Working DirectoriesWorking with BranchesWorking with Nested Third Party RepositoriesWorking with Release Branches

Download Linux For Mac

Sudo apt-get install build-essential clang-8 lld-8 g-7 cmake ninja-build libvulkan1 python python-pip python-dev python3-dev python3-pip libpng-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev tzdata sed curl unzip autoconf libtool rsync libxml2-dev && pip2 install -user setuptools && pip3 install -user -Iv setuptools47.3.1 && pip2 install -user distro && pip3 install -user distro. Chromium supports building on Windows, Mac and Linux host systems. Linux is required for building Android, and a Mac is required for building iOS. Click on one of these links depending on what you want to build. Adobe air player for mac.

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